father and son walking

Where does your provision come from?

Each month in my prayer journal is a space for an attribute of God to reflect on throughout the month. For some reason, this month, I chose Provider. When we look to God as our Provider, what are we asking Him for? To provide is defined as preparing to meet a need. I think a lot of times when we look to God as a provider, we are looking for Him to meet a financial need. And He does that is some extraordinary ways: a check that comes out of the blue at just the right time, an unexpected bonus, a refund that you didn’t expect. We have experienced these examples of the provision in our almost four decades together in all of these ways. But, when I study the definition of Provider, there are so many more ways that the Lord provides:

  • Financial provision
  • Church family
  • Friends
  • Jobs
  • Text/call/email/card from a friend
  • The sermon was written for you
  • A penny on the ground
  • A stranger with a kind word

The Lord will provide our needs

Gen 22:14, “And Abraham named that place The Lord Will Provide,  so today it is said: “It will be provided  on the Lord’s mountain.” 

Abraham had faith that the Lord would provide the sacrifice on the mountain. He had no idea how the Lord was going to provide, but Abraham trusted the Lord. As we see this story unfold in Genesis, I think most of us are thinking, how in the world could Abraham take his son, Issac, who, He and Sarah had waited literally 100 years for and prepare to sacrifice him? Abraham’s obedience and faith is such a great example of trusting God. Abraham knew that God had promised; he would be the Father of many nations and that God would take care of Issac. Let’s not miss that Abraham had to be prepared to do the unthinkable; he was prepared to sacrifice Issac’s life as God was testing him. Abraham had the knife in hand when the Angel of the Lord called out to him, “Do not lay a hand on the boy or do anything to him.” The Lord did indeed provide an animal for the sacrifice, a ram in the thicket.

The Lord will provide! But what is our responsibility? We can learn from Abraham, not just about obedience and faith, but also about our responsibility. We have to take action and follow through. I think that many times, I have started down the path of obedience, but it got too hard, or I just didn’t want to, and I quit. As I sit and ponder at times, I wonder about the blessings or experiences with The Lord, that I missed because I didn’t follow through. And more importantly, what did others miss because I wasn’t obedient and faithful.

Dear Lord, Help me follow Abraham’s example of faith, obedience, and follow-through. If there is an area in my life that I just need to press on – show me Lord and help me be persistent. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

 The Holy Bible: Holman Christian standard version. (2009). (Ge 22:14). Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers.

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