smiley face cookies

Surrounder yourself with things that make you smile

I am in the process of re-organizing my office/craft area. In the past few weeks, I looked around and discovered there were a lot of things out that I just don’t have the bandwidth to use or craft with in this season. So, I began the process of organizing and boxing up and giving away the items that I am not using—then rearranging the room for a more open feel. My office walls are a hodgepodge of things that make my smile. Earlier this week, I shared Do more of what fills your soul, which makes me smile when I look at it. I also have another piece of art that Shelby created when she went off to acting school, then, of course, the pictures, I also have a few inspirational quotes and a drawing of me from my best friend’s daughter. So, when I sit in my space and look around, I see things that make me smile.

Smile is found only 3 times in the Bible

I found this fascinating when I searched for the word smile in the Bible; 3 results came up – all in Job. Oh my goodness, did Job have a reason to smile?

  Job 9:27, If I said, “I will forget my complaint, change my expression, and smile,” 

 Job 10:20, Are my days not few? Stop it! Leave me alone, so that I can smile a little 

Job 29:24, If I smiled at them, they couldn’t believe it; they were thrilled at the light of my countenance. 

In Job 1:8, God asks Satan if he has considered his servant Job? No one else on earth is like him, a man of perfect integrity who fears God and turns away from all evil. Then God allows Satan to test Job with suffering and devastation. However, Job never waivers. In his response, he is the only person in the bible to use the word smile. A smile can transcend all kinds of barriers. We all need to smile more!

Dear Lord, we don’t want to be tested like Job, but we do want to respond to life like Job did, unwavering, and the ability to smile. In Jesus name, Amen

 The Holy Bible: Holman Christian standard version. (2009). (Job 9:27). (Job 10:20). (Job 29:24)Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers.

1 thought on “Surrounder yourself with things that make you smile”

  1. What a great reminder to smile and, for me, to remember to be thankful for all the silver linings in the trials. Thanks for starting my day out with a smile.

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