Happy 4th

Celebrating our Freedom in Christ

Today is July 3rd. Tomorrow, the United States of America will celebrate Independence Day with celebrations of Food, Family, Fireworks, and Fun.

Independence is defined as the quality or state of not being controlled by others. From the time we come out of the womb, we want to be independent. We hear toddlers demand to do it by themselves. Teenagers want to drive to have the freedom of “going” by themselves. Young adults move out of their parent’s homes to live by their own rules. In the middle years, we might want to be our own boss and become an entrepreneur. But, then, the older years sneak upon us, and we are back to being dependent upon others for our daily needs. A fascinating cycle to study.

Why do we strive so hard to be Independent?

Independence also means Freedom. Throughout our lives, we strive to be Free, financially free, free from worry, free from sickness, and for some of us, free from rules and regulations. We have Freedom because we live in the USA and brave men and women that have fought for our right to be free and independent. More importantly, we have Freedom in Christ, because He died on the cross for us to be free. Jesus is talking to the Jews who were believers in John 8:32:

32 You will know the truth,  and the truth will set you free.” 

The truth that Jesus is referring to is Spiritual truth. The fact of His death and resurrection. Our faith in Christ provides a freedom we will never achieve without it. The privileges of this country and our worldly views of liberty and independence pale in comparison to real freedom in Christ. In Christ, we will be truly Free.

 The Holy Bible: Holman Christian standard version. (2009). (Jn 8:32). Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers.

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