James 3: 13: Who is wise and has understanding among you? He should show his works by good conduct with wisdom’s gentleness.
A premium was placed on wisdom in both scripture and ancient philosophers. Broadly defined, wisdom is not merely a matter of possessing factual knowledge but of correctly and effectively applying truth to everyday life. The Hebrews that James was writing to understood that true wisdom was not intellectual but behavioral. In the Merriam-Webster definition of wise: characterized by wisdom: marked by deep understanding, keen discernment, and a capacity for sound judgment.
Who is skilled in the art of living?
I think the question today is not just who is wise and understanding, but who is going to Stand up & Speak up? Our current situation calls for wisdom and understanding. The word that is used for understanding here is used only here in the New Testament and means a specialist or professional who could skillfully apply his expertise to practical situations. James is asking who is truly skilled in the art of living. My desire is to be skilled in the art of living as we navigate challenging situations, and that I have keen discernment for all of humanity, not just those that look like I do and travel in the same circles. I have heard multiple times over the past few days, that I need to listen and ask questions to have a better understanding.
How do we show our good works? By good conduct with wisdom’s gentleness. Specifically, the wisdom that comes from God himself!
In my post Are we Earnestly Seeking God, I asked us to examine our hearts, are we part of the solution or problem? Are we skilled in the art of living with God’s gentleness?
Dear Lord, Our desire is to demonstrate your wisdom through our good conduct, with understanding and gentleness. Help us to act with wisdom and kindness showing others that we truly love our neighbors. In Jesus name.
The Holy Bible: Holman Christian standard version. (2009). (Jas 3:13). Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers.