True Joy and laughter

Laughter and the Joy of the Lord

Last week was a tough week all around. I spent most of the morning on Tuesday in bed, had stomach issues for the first couple of days of the week. Our youngest Mason picked up his diploma from High School without the pomp and circumstance of a Graduation ceremony. Work was a grind. My husband was super stressed as his team is preparing for a big presentation this week. And then it was Friday. We had made plans to go to dinner with one of our friends at our favorite Mexican restaurant. When we arrived, two other couples had joined our party. The current rules in Texas only allow 6 to a table, but they broke the rules, and we all sat together.

Our mouths were filled with laughter then, 

and our tongues with shouts of joy. 

Then they said among the nations, 

“The Lord has done great things for them.” 

The Lord had done great things for us; 

we were joyful. 

 The Holy Bible: Holman Christian standard version. (2009). (Ps 126:2–3). Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers.

My Joy had been stolen

At the end of the exhausting week, I needed to laugh. And laugh we did for almost 3 hours! As stories, we told (maybe some embellished) the Joy of my soul returned. My Joy had been stolen this week. And I allowed it to happen. I got bogged down in the circumstances of the week and drudgery of life. Psalm 126 is one of 15 songs of Accent. These Psalms were designed as part of the celebration of seasonal feasts in Jerusalem. We need to celebrate every day the words sung here, especially, The Lord had done great things for us; we were joyful!

Dear Lord, in times of trial and unrest, let us remember, the things that you have done for us and let us be joyful. Amen.