Firsts and Lasts of Every Season

Yesterday, marked the beginning of school in our area in Houston. In our 26 plus years of parenting with 5 children, we have faced many firsts and lasts. In recent years every beginning of a new school year was a first or last. First day of middle school. Last first day of high school. First time a child drove to school. Last year our older boys were in school together. This year marks, the last first day of High School for Shelby, and the first day of high school for Mason. The last year that Lee and I will have 2 children in high school. The last year that we will have a child begin high school. The last time that we will support 2 different high schools. The last year, there will be more than one child in a “back to school” photo.

Exciting times and sad times. Easy times and hard times. Time for everything and a season for every activity. Solomon describes a season for every activity in Ecclesiastes 3. This passage was a powerful reminder that we all have seasons of sadness, happiness, grief, searching, building, etc. My season of “active” parenting is winding down. We have such a short time left with the last two and the season will come to a close. Have I done everything I should?, have I taught them what they need to know? are they ready to embrace the world?

Today, as a sit back and enjoy this season of first and lasts, I will rest in the arms of Jesus, that we have “Trained up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6. This has been the scripture that we hold on to as our children grow up and make their own decisions and leave the nest. First and last we entrust them to God and pray continually!

What season are you in? Is it a first or last? Embrace and enJoy the season that you are in, for we all know it passes quickly.

The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2001). (Pr 22:6). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2001). (Ec 3:1). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.