Created to create

Do more of what fills your soul

For Mother’s day this year, our youngest daughter, Shelby, made the frame in the above picture, which says, “You were created to Create; otherwise you would be a menace to society.” Why, Yes, I would! My mother is very creative; she can sew anything, figure out to make anything, and is very talented. She passed that on to me, and I did to my girls. I love to spend time in my office, creating. It fills my soul!

When I think about it, I have quite a list of things that fill my soul and below are just a few:

  • Spending time with friends and family – especially during pool season!
  • Digging into God’s word and writing about what I have learned.
  • Traveling.
  • Coaching ladies toward a personal relationship with Christ.
  • And THE BEACH – any beach, anywhere.

First, fill your soul with the Word of God.

Why is it important to know what fills your Soul? When our Soul is full, we have more to give to others. We are called to love others; we can’t give unless we have taken care of ourselves first. As women, we tend to neglect ourselves; we feel that it is selfish to take care of our own needs. But actually, it is the exact opposite; it is responsible for taking care of our spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional health first. When we are healthy and have taken care of our needs, we can take care of others. First and foremost: FILL your Soul with the word of the Lord.

Psalm 25:11, A word spoken at the right timeĀ is like gold apples on a silver tray.

If our soul is full with the Word of God, we can minister to others, like gold apples on a silver tray!

So what fills your soul? Do you know? Take a few minutes to think about what really feeds your soul? Maybe make a list. How are you going to fill your soul today?

 The Holy Bible: Holman Christian standard version. (2009). (Pr 25:11). Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers.